

Khristal Veterinary Assistant

I grew up on a farm and have always had a deep connection with animals. I graduated from the Veterinary Assistant program at Fredericton’s Eastern College in 2021.

I really enjoy our behavioural cases; everyone here at FAH calls me the "Resident Pet Whisperer". I enjoy connecting with our patients and being the one to calm them before we proceed with treatment. Making those connections with anxious animals is always so rewarding.

FAH is a great clinic to work at; we all play our part to make the day-to-day go smoothly. We all work so well together that oftentimes I find myself having more fun at work than I do on my off days. There is so much opportunity for growth at FAH, I learn something new every day!

I am a doggy mom to my sweet Bella, we enjoy exploring the local waterfalls and hiking trails! I am also a proud Auntie of one niece and four nephews!